Gente Bien

Gente Bien. El Musical (Wealthy People. The Musical)

In all La Cubana’s shows there has been singing and dancing; but we have always confronted this with skilful simulation, rather than with proper specialised skills. Now, due to rather compelling reasons, we find ourselves forced to produce a musical. Why? Well, you will have to come to see the show to find out. As a starting point, La Cubana has chosen “Gente Bien” (Wealthy People), a funny comedy of manners, written by Santiago Rusiñol in 1917. We have come up with a special journey which travels back to the time of the Rusiñol play, where the characters reveal to us that the need to pretend has no measure, no time and no expiring date.

So, La Cubana is producing a musical. Will we be able to do it? So far, we have come up with an enjoyable comic opera… The rest is yet to be seen… Will we get away with it? Who knows? But, whatever happens we will for sure strive to make good theatre!!!


You can watch it in here:

PREMIERE: Teatre Coliseum (September 2016)


PERIOD: 2016 – 2017


ESPECTATORS: More than 160.000


DIRECTOR: Jordi Milán

Mercè Comes
Mont Plans
Jaume Baucis
Toni Torres
Meritxell Duró
Núria Benet
Alexandra Gonzàlez
Babeth Ripoll
Bernat Cot
Montse Amat
Oriol Burés
Toni Sans
Berta Adell
Laia Piró
Jordi Milán


Creative, artistic and tecnical staffMusic and lyric composition: Joan Vives

Stage video designs: Joan Rodón (dLux) / Emilio Valenzuela (dLux)

Stage design: Montse Amenós / La Cubana

Proscenium arch design: Castells Planas

Costumes design: Montse Amenós / La Cubana / Leo Quintana

Hairdressing: Ignasi Ruiz

Hats: Ignasi Ruiz / La Bocas

Make-up artist: La Bocas

Choreography: Leo Quintana

Lighting design: Kiko Planas

Sound design: Jordi Agut (Choli)

Front of theatre design: Castells Planas

Props: Xavi Tena

Graphic desing: Lila Pastora

Musical production: L’Auditori de Barcelona

Overal coordination: Xavi Tena

Assistant directors: Juanjo Sánchez

Administration: Natalia Morillas

Documentation and production and media assistant: Pol Vinyes

Management and media: Daniel Compte

Production director: Frederic Santa-Olalla

Stage manager: Pere-Pau Hervàs

Light technician: Ignasi Bosch

Sound technician: Jordi Agut (Choli)